در راه اعتلای ایران

Ahmad Mahini candidate for Presidental election in America

در راه اعتلای ایران

Ahmad Mahini candidate for Presidental election in America


سید احمد حسینی ماهینی | شنبه, ۶ مرداد ۱۴۰۳، ۰۲:۰۵ ب.ظ | ۰ نظر

Patience plays an essential role in the method of assassinating Iranians. For example, regarding prisoners and America, we saw that America always said that options are on the table, but it was Iran that razed Ain al-Assad to the ground, Israel also said every day that we are entrusting ourselves to war with Iran, but this It was Iran that carried out Operation Sadiq's Promise, this proves that Iran is extremely strong and they don't even dare to respond. Or, for example, he does not know Trump enough to name him. And Trump also knows that if Iran wants to assassinate him, it has both legal means and high power. But Iran's policy is such that he dies by a gradual death or by killing a dog. Assassination hurts for a moment, but you see dog killing in Salman Rushdie. At the same time that Imam Khomeini wanted a fatwa on the death of Salman Rushdie, the intelligence agents said, let us settle down, then issue the verdict so that your sentence will be executed on the spot. Imam Khomeini did not agree and said that Salman Rushdie should not die so easily. Ahmad Mahini, the US presidential candidate, says that this crazy and gambling Trump should not die so easily. He should even be afraid when he needs to be judged. He should be afraid of his own shadow, unless he repents and participates in the Arbaeen procession....

  • سید احمد حسینی ماهینی

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