در راه اعتلای ایران

Ahmad Mahini candidate for Presidental election in America

در راه اعتلای ایران

Ahmad Mahini candidate for Presidental election in America

قیام شیعیان اسرائیل

سید احمد حسینی ماهینی | چهارشنبه, ۷ شهریور ۱۴۰۳، ۰۵:۲۱ ق.ظ | ۱ نظر
Israel's Shiite army
Israel's Shiite Propaganda Army; In his first action, he started maneuvering in Telaviu and Haifa streets. This is a clear message for Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu; that he either has to go or if he wants to stay; He should choose half of the cabinet members from Hamas. Of course, there is a third way: to commit suicide and rid the world of its evil. Otherwise, we request the Shia military of Israel; For the pleasure of God and the pleasure of all the people of the world; Donate a bullet to his brain. Netanyahu should know that his right hand and left hand are all; The military are Shiites and two-armed. According to the order, they did not act until now; Because they give the possibility of repentance. Ahmad Mahini, the candidate for the presidency of the United States, says: As Seyyed Ressat said; We were waiting for the results. We are also waiting for the uprising of Shiites in Palestine and Israel; to create a common government through a referendum. Even Ben Gurin's purpose of saying his last sentence; The approval of the Arab-Jewish joint cabinet. But his ignorance made all the people of the world understand that; Jerusalem used to have all religions together. And there is no need to establish a Knesset. Muslims, Christians and Jews have lived peacefully together for thousands of years; This Truman was a bastard and a coward who killed them. As he hit Hiroshima with an atomic bomb, he set the Middle East on fire. Now it is our turn to join monotheistic religions. Let's send him to hell and make the Middle East a paradise of friendship.
  • سید احمد حسینی ماهینی

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